Church Membership

If you’re interested in becoming a member of New Life, the first step is attending the Intro to New Life seminar. In the Intro to New Life seminar, you’ll learn about our church vision, values, history, and beliefs alongside other people who are new to our church and interested in membership.

Even if you’re not ready to join, this is a great place to ask questions and think through some common issues faced in every church.

We don’t currently have a seminar on the calendar, but if you’d like to be included in the next one, contact Pastor Amos.


Baptism is a sacrament instituted by Jesus. It is a sign and seal of your union with Jesus and your membership in His church. You cannot be a member of a church without being baptized, and you can’t be baptized without becoming a member of the Church.

Baptism is a means of grace to build up our faith. Adults, who have already made a profession of faith, have their faith strengthened by this powerful sacrament. The children of believers, who have yet to make a profession of faith, form their faith as baptized members of Christ and the church.

For Adults

Adults may receive the sacrament of baptism by making a credible profession of faith and committing to church membership. After completing the Intro to New Life class, schedule a Preparing for Baptism meeting. This can take place at the same time as your membership interview. Once you are ready to move ahead with your baptism, schedule a Sunday service with the pastor.

On the day of your baptism, you will take your membership vows in front of the congregation. Then the pastor will baptize you.

For Children

The children of church members may become members of the church through the sacrament of baptism. The first step is to schedule a Preparing for Baptism meeting with the pastor. Then schedule a Sunday service with the pastor.

If you are not a member yet, first go through the membership process. When you schedule your membership interview you can also have your Preparing for Baptism meeting with the pastor. Then schedule a Sunday service with the pastor.

On the day of the baptism, the parents will take church membership vows on behalf of their children. By doing so, they will claim the promises of the Gospel on behalf of their children and promise to raise them as believers. Then the pastor will baptize the children.

For more on the Biblical reasons for baptizing the children of believers, click below.